ARDANS Knowledge Consulting & Software Solutions, invites you to the first presentation of the CoPBoK Community of Practice Body of Knowledge at the SEARCH-DAY exhibition on 14 October 2020 in Paris.
We invite you to join us and register at Search:, to attend :
16:30: Ardans workshop with Aline Belloni and Patrick Prieur:
How to launch a knowledge management approach with efficient Communities of Practice and in compliance with the requirements of the ISO30401 standard?
This is a very common question for many organisations that wish to improve their collective performance, perpetuate their knowledge, avoid seeing the experience of experts disappear or simply comply with the ISO9001 standard (§7.1.6 for specialists).
In response, Ardans and Polia Consulting consultants have combined their experience, methods and tools in the CoPBok "Community of Practice - Body of Knowledge".
This workshop is the first public presentation of this BoK (Body of Knowledge) for CoP (Communities of Practice), intended to provide a body of "state of the art" knowledge that is enriched as the literature, practices and our experiences evolve.
While Vallourec was the first beneficiary of this POLIA approach, it is ANDRA that is benefiting from the prime of this CoPBoK "Community of Practice - Body of Knowledge" environment to support its communities.
Aline Belloni and Patrick Prieur who piloted, developed and consolidated this guide will lead the workshop.