KM Project Studies and Audit

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

To initiate a knowledge management approach in the organisation

The implementation of a KM or Knowledge Management project within your company starts with a study and audit phase during which your situations, objectives to be reached and a scope of actions are defined.

This stage requires a precise and rigorous organisation. A systemic approach is necessary to collect data (surveys, databases), information (contextual data) and knowledge.

An analysis of the human organisation is also carried out in order to identify the various key skills and competences in the area under consideration.

Thus, interviews are conducted with all the key players in the field, taking into consideration the mission under study, their level of expertise for a broader vision and an understanding of its functioning and organisation.

While some knowledge is already explicit, other knowledge is implicit or tacit. It is therefore necessary to set up a capitalisation process in order to bring the person who knows to deliver their knowledge and know-how.

The different responses to your situation

Depending on your organisation's situation, the study and audit phase may include :

